Philip says that he really enjoyed the day, because other than everybody else, he didn’t spend the whole day in the mall or waterpark! I went to downtown St.Paul with Jen which was really cool and I got to see the city which was really important for me! Then we went on the bus to Minneapolis to see the other twin city, while Jen was getting mad at me because she thought I had no clue where we were. Then we rode the tram back to the Mall, went to the water park which was too crowded. Afterwards we took the cab of the other hotel back to the mall! Then we ate at Hooters and went home!
CC –double C here- WOW more shopping, I gotta stop!! Someone has to take my card away from me! BUT on the other hand, I bought prom shoes! And they are AMAZING!!! SPARKLING like diamonds. I hope my date is tall enough.. and then I bought a lot more, but let’s not talk about that.. Joy and I went to take rides today, but ended up only taking one. ONE!!!! Because of all the people, yes, it was the perfect day to go to the mall.. Saturday… But it was worth it, great ride! AND THEN, ON THE ROAD AGAIN.
Today we did a WHOLE day of shopping! From 10am till 10pm. I bought so much, but it’s all really cute, and I couldn’t buy it in New Zealand. Again we got lost in the mall, and the maps are horrible. Tomorrow we have long road trip back to look forward to. Im going to sleep in the car, im so tied. But this trip has been really fun – Olivia
Today, again mall, again shopping… Last day it s sad ! I just want stay with all the ES … It was so fun, even the water park was kind of too much but, it was really nice. We took 30 minutes to decide where we eat, but it was really fun ! Tonie
We were shopping again and we were in the Water Park. It was a lot of fun :D Today is the last day and I’m really sad, because I will miss all these pretty nice guys, my new friends! Thank you for this amazing weekend! Heli
Angela-WOOOWWW!! I think I am totally crazy today!! Me, Olivia and Bell had a wonderful time!! Holy crap, I really got to stop shopping! I bought one of those amazing shoes! We went to some really nice restaurants! Suchi! Steak! My favorite!! I spent a lot on food too! Anyway, we did enjoy our days here, we are leaving tomorrow, now I think I am in love with this place, I gonna miss it so much! BTW, the mall is so big, so I think I spend half of the day finding shops! I think I am loosing weight, just kidding. Anyway, I love it! So much fun! I know this trip is going to be one of my best memories!
Joy – Today was amazing! – Really exhausting but equally amazing! But tbh after three days power shopping I am ready to go home to my mommy and daddy! I honestly had a super great time with super great people! A big thank you to everybody!
Alessio – It was a very good day, I’m so tireeeeeed! I’m happy to be here with everyone else. Thank you Jen.
I’m shopping with Olivia and Angela all day today and I’m so crazy because “I ate too much SUGAR” ermmmm… nothing to share. I’m so tired and I don’t want to walk now!! I bought a lot of stuff for my brother and sister in Thailand. I think my blog is so confusing because I’m so tired. GOODNIGH MN---bell
From our very tired, yet very memorable picture window to yours, have a great day!
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