Howdy family and friends! It's another foreigner blog! This time we write to you from the great state of North Dakota where we are only half our group, but having a great time in the snow!
Alessio- So happy to be here, I decided at the last minute to come here, but I’m so glad I decided to go. Yesterday was looooong, because of the nearly 8 hours we spent in the car. When we arrived here we had a super supper. After supper we tried to watch a movie, I’m saying try because I fell asleep after the first 10 minutes. This morning I woke up at noon and it was awesome. In the afternoon we went to sledding hill and I had a fight with Jen, I definitely won! After that we went to a coffee shop and we had dinner at the local Pizza Ranch. Now we are doing the interview for Tanner, and it is so fun to learn so much stuff from every country. BE BEEEE BEEEEEEEE
Cece/the best foreigner ever - we are finally doing something as a group again! Yesterday was long, but to spend nearly eight hours in a car with a bunch of foreigners and then there’s Jen/my American mom, is just so much fun. We arrived at our destination later than planned because of
GERMANY… but we’re not gonna go there. AND I MET GRANDPA FOR THE FIRST TIME, he is one cool man! He was also very good-looking as a senior! We played spoon, the first time for me! It’s a winner! Grandma and Grandpa Busch are amazing!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Simone – yesterday we went to Jens house and drove to North Dakota together. The ride was so much fun whit a lot of musik.. Today we have been sledding and eat at pizza range. We also went to a cafĂ©, it was a nice place. They had a lot of nice dresses ect. Now we are doing an interview whit Tanner, it is a nice way to lean about others country’s.
Angela---The trip is just what I expected though yesterday’s trip is a long drive. Anyway, we are all here, really delicious food last night, I am appreciate. I was so sleepy because of a long drive, anyway I went to bed at midnight Today is awesome, I love it! Sledding! I really like to shout when I am going down the hills, we tried all kinds of ways to sledding! Yeah! A hot coffee after sledding, we even talked to local newspaper journalist, sometime I think being a journalist might be one of my dream jobs. All in all, pizza range for supper is a nice choice. THANK U SO MUCH! Another amazing part has to be that video. Students from different countries talking about their own culture and language, pretty awesome, because it is an amazing experience. I am looking forward having a great day tomorrow!
Jess- After a peaceful long trip up, an amazing supper and an intense game of spoons our first day came to an end. Then a new day started, a fun filled day at that. We got to have a bit of a sleep in which I enjoyed greatly. We then had a delicious lunch and were off to have heaps and heaps of fun sledding down the hills AWESOME! Finishing the day off with an awesome meal at the Pizza Ranch.
Jonas- North Dakota, snow, skis, taking pictures of a sleeping Italian guy, having fun, eating pizza, getting ice cold snow in your warm face and drinking limonade in an espresso shop. We had/have so much fun! We aren’t so many exchange students this time as we were in the south Dakota trip. That’s great because so you really get to know each other very very good. Thank you Jen for taking me again to that trip!
Philip – I’m really enjoying my time here, it’s very interesting to talk about other countries with the other student, and the sledding was very cool too. I’m very excited for skiing tomorrow, and just can’t wait!
From our snow filled, interviewed by Tanner day to yours, have a great night!