Howdy Friends and Family! Welcome to Day 2 of our blog! What a fun day we had! The students are full of surprises about their experiences and it has definitely been a day of memories...from crazy lunch at a place called Dick's Last Resort to being called by MOA Security because Mr. Italy can't produce an American form of ID since he is in the mall after 4 with out someone over the age of 21 to riding on the roller coaster with Miss China for her very first time!~
It’s so fun today because we all have time to SHOPPING and we played roller coaster and other things which is so fun and also scary. At night I go to the pool and swim with other kids which is hard for me to remember their name. Tired today but so fun !!! I love the restaurant that we went to eat for lunch by the way ! hahhaha so funnnnnn– bell
Cece and Joy on a secret mission tromme virvel, the perfect shopping team!!! We lost our heads again, shopping like there is no tomorrow. Just gotta love it, right there, js. Im not gonna lie! Jk.
Philip says that the mall was okay today, he even bought some stuff. Never thought that’s gonna happen…. The rides were really a lot of fun, and I’m totally tired now, so I’m done.
Today we planned on doing shopping all day. But really ended up spending most of the day at the aquarium and themepark. But somehow I still managed to buy a lot. The best part of the day was lunch and we were at a restaurant that “served with sarcasm”. You really had to be there. – Olivia
Heli: It was soo awesome today! The whole day shopping shopping and shopping! Toni and I take picture and bought a lot of pretty clothes. My feed are died, but it was perfect. We were eating in a nice Restaurant all together, it was fun!
Angela: WOOOOOWWWWW!!!! Jesus!!!! Today is my first time get on the roller coaster!!! It is full of fun!!!! I feel like I gonna die!!! Anyway, I survived! LOL! The most impressive thing I have experienced is the restaurant we went this noon, so much fun with the waiter, you really need to go and experience!! Shopping is also the best part for me! I AM A HUGE FAN OF SHOPPING!! Of course, I made a success today! WOOOHOOO!!! Holy crap, it seems like I got a best day ever!! I love the Mall of America! I enjoyed it a lot!!! Tomorrow is going to be a greaaaatt day too, I bet!! Anyway, thank you my host mom and Jen, because of you, I have enough courage to go on all different kinds of roller coaster! It was exciting!!
Alessio: it was so fun! I’m so tired now. We had an amazing lunch, a lot of shopping and a wonderful hot tub. But I’m here to try everything right? So I got caught, just because I didn’t have my passport with me. GOOD NIGHT! You bought it! BING BONG
Tonie : You know, when you are a little girl and you dreamt about big shops, HUDGE shops … American did it … Right I don’t feel my feet anymore but doesn’t matter. Spend time with people who understand you is just awersome… I m just a shopping addict person so, Mall of America is the paradise ! And the end of day with the hot tub Amazing … Now let me sleep in peace and let my feet die in peace !
From our very tired, full of memories picture window to yours, have a great day!