The New View From Our Picture Window...
Howdy all! A new view from our new picture window! As some of you may have noticed, I took a week off from writing my view to get our new home in order and try (TRY being the key word) to maintain some order of control. But, as those who have moved know, with children...especially boys, this is sometimes hard to do!
Our first day here, one would think that life was normal! Jacob was off to Kindergarten where he was greeted by 15 other students and Caleb was off to Preschool with one other little boy. With both of them gone, life around our home was pretty quiet and Isaac wasn't quite sure what to do with the boxes that were piled all around. As the week went on, the piles of boxes dwindled down, our things found a new home, and life slowly went back to normal...if there is such a thing.
Our home, specifically Jacob and Caleb's room, also seemed to be the place where our newest pets liked to hang out. What pets would that be you may wonder? The crickets. I didn't ask for these pets and they definitely weren't invited to live in the corner of the boys' bedroom, but they do.
Jacob also learned how to tie his shoes this past week. What a major accomplishment! I was one proud Mom! I don't know whether or not that it finally just clicked or what the story was, but, at last, one Busch Boy can tie his shoes!
Caleb and his cows are doing great. I have been informed that they are currently living across the street behind Ferrel's house. One night they weren't coming home and we literally had to call them! Caleb went and picked up my cell phone and began talking to "Bull" telling him to get those cows home and under the trampoline. They had missed their curfew! I couldn't help but laughing! I was so glad when I finally convinced him that the cows were coming home because he was determined that if he didn't "see" them coming, we were going to get in the pickup, round them up and rope the runaways! (Oh the imagination of this child!)
Isaac is learning how to use the potty chair and what a chore that has become! But, like the other boys, I sure will be glad when that milestone in his life is accomplished! As for Dave and I, we are working and enjoying life and making sure that shoes are tied, cows are home, and boxes contine to be emptied! From our new picture window to yours, have a great week!