Monday, September 20, 2010

The Last Hoorah! The finish line is in site!!!

Here we are again. I apologize for the tardiness of this blog. Life has been chaotic at best. Back to the last day of the last day of the ride…We left Nebraska City with a motorcycle escort from Rob Conner, the pastor of Nebraska City. As we were leaving town I noticed that something seemed a little weird with my bike and going down hills the chain got really loose. We stopped 5 miles in to the ride and found that the gear on my back wheel was hanging up and thus I couldn't coast down hills. That was a big problem. So I once again climbed in the van with my wheel and worked on it. 7 miles later I got it working and the race was on again. The problem is that we were going into a major wind and we were in some major hills. I just stuck with the pack and honked my horn at every opportunity I had. It was a grueling day. We stopped at a park for lunch and Jodi lead us in a makeshift church service. It was fun. We stopped 4 miles from the border and I had a goal in my mind. I had not shared this with anybody, but since I was the first one into the stae, I wanted to be the first one out. The race was one and I was never so happy to see the Kansas sign. I crossed the line first! It was a shorter day, but the wind was a killer. We headed for the church in Falls City and as we turned the corner to go to the church, two ladies were in the middle of the street with a big finish line. It was so awesome.

At the church we had our award ceremony and everybody received a t-shirt and certificate of completion. Then they awarded the green jersey to one final person. The problem is that Brian Korrell wore it earlier in the day and it was too warm for him so he stuck it in his back pocket. It would have been fine, but it slipped out and got stuck on his back wheel. So the nice jersey was now a little greasy and had a small tear in it. The cool thing is that they awarded it to me!! YEAH!!! Hope Jen can get the grease out.

After the awards were handed out we began the process of dropping people off in their cars on the way to Grand Island. It was a bit sad because you had shared so much with these people and now a simple good bye was all you could say. It just seemed a little shallow.

I couldn't wait to get home. There is something about getting to sleep in your own bed with your wife instead of a hotel room with a roommate in another bed. Unfortunately I had picked up such a bad cough that I ended up sleeping in the lazy boy in the living room. Oh joy! NOT!

The next day we kicked off our Kids Crusade in Burwell and I hit the ground running. I waited till Thursday night to unload my bike out of the trailer and it went straight into the garage. Jen thinks I should ride to loosen up my knee, but I think that I need to have a recall on that vote!! Thank you for everybody who helped, supported, and prayed for me on the ride. It was a truly unique experience. I was able to raise $545 for BGMC. Thank you so much!

Pastor Busch

The View From My Picture Window--as Mom, fill in Pastor, and expectant wife!!!!

Howdy friends and family! Today is the day Dave is coming home! It has been an interesting week as you have read and now, he will be home tonight! My day is packed full--from filling the pulpit at church for Dave to having lunch with the ladies, picking up the boys and then anxiously waiting for Dave to come home! More to come later!

2:40 p.m. Sunday afternoon...Wow...what a day...I filled the pulpit at church this morning for Dave and let me tell you, what a time it was. I had my sermon ready or so I thought, but this was not what the Lord would have had me preach and thus it was changed in 45 minutes! A sermon on Grandparents day! I don't envy any Pastor who has gone through that!

Following church, Julia, Jalise and I were able to spend Grandparent's Day with 10 Grandma's from our church eating together.

My afternoon was a nice quiet one as Jalise took a nap and Julia was with friends for the afternoon. I was able to wrap up a couple of my last minute projects before the boys and Dave got home.

8:00 p.m. After Jalise woke up, we drove to Sargent to meet Mom and Dad to pick up the Busch Boys. It was an uneventful ride. The boys are getting ready for bed and I am still waiting to hear from Dave about when he will get in! Oh how I have missed him!

10:00 p.m. Dave should be home in an hour or so...I am so tired. I want to stay awake for him when he gets here, but my eye lids are growing very heavy...must sleep...

11:45...HE'S HOME!!!!! He's tired, his knee is very swollen, he has a nasty cough, but he is home! He did it, he survived to tell about it and we are all very happy he is finally home...thanks to all who have called or emailed to check in. Missions Bike Ride 2010, we say so long for now...

From my picture window to yours, have a great new week! Remember, You CAN do all things through Christ who gives you strength!

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