Thursday, October 25, 2007

The View From Our Picture Window...October 25, 2007

Howdy all! What a busy past couple of weeks! With the fall season upon us, life is just blowing by just like the never ending wind blowing outside my picture window!

To say the least the Busch boys haven't slowed down a bit! Jacob is growing up more and more each day. So much in fact that we have experienced our first parent teacher conference for him. Oh the things one can learn from one of those! We are so proud of him!

Caleb, not wanting to be left behind is learning so much too. Last week, I was going through the chore of trying on shoes to find out what fit and what didn't after the summer growth spurt and Caleb was quietly waiting his turn with a pair fo shoes. Not paying much attention to him at that particular time, I glanced up to see what he was doing. Little did I expect to see what i did. Caleb was sitting there with his church shoes and one step away from tieing them. I stopped the shoe tieing process and turned my attention to Caleb. Since he had the first step down pat, we were working on the bunny ears. I told him, "Ok Caleb, make the bunny ear with this hand..." Since he is left handed this in itself was a chore for me. "Now with the other hand take this string and rope the bunny ear, hold the the tail and pull it tight." Dave was sitting there listening to my teaching lesson and began to laugh uncontrollably. I asked what was so funny and he said, "I have just never heard of any one roping a bunny ear. You are definitely from ranching country!

As I sit here and write about the boys and their newest accomplishments, it doesn't seem real that they are the ages that they are! Like the wind, life has blown by way too quickly! So as life blows by, don't miss the memorable moments! From my picture window full of memories to yours, have a great week!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The View From Our Picture Window...October 11, 2007

Howdy all! The view from my picture window sure has been pretty one this past week. The leaves are changing colors and beginning to scatter across the ground and the days are getting cooler...which means they are also getting shorter!

This past week the boys have been enjoying the outside air as much as they possibly could. One day in particular though, the boys had several of the neighborhood kids in our back yard all enjoying a time of play on the trampoline. This one day though, I heard it get very quiet all of a sudden. Thinking that something may have happened, I stepped around the corner to watch the following scene unfold.

Jacob had just told everyone to sit down on the trampoilne, it was his turn to be "in charge". Everyone took their place as though this was old hat. Jacob then proceeded to stand up and say the following..."Dear God, We are so greatful to be here in your presence today. Thank you for letting us all play together..." "That's not how you do it!" Jacob was interrupted by his friend Jordan. "It's like this. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for letting us come to Jacob's house today to play..." "Nu-uh!" Caleb stood up and then began to give his rendition! The other two little kids who were sitting on the trampoine suddenly lost interest in the argument and just flat out started jumping again. What a site!

Not too much later, I heard the words, "Call to worship..." and they all started singing Jesus Loves Me. In their own little way, the boys and their friends were mimmicking our church services. While rather cute it also reminded me of how much little ones truly do watch what we do and what is of importance to us. So, when they see the good, they also see the bad.

From my beautiful backyard church service to yours, remember you are always being watched and have a great week!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The New View From Our Picture Window...

The New View From Our Picture Window...
Howdy all! A new view from our new picture window! As some of you may have noticed, I took a week off from writing my view to get our new home in order and try (TRY being the key word) to maintain some order of control. But, as those who have moved know, with children...especially boys, this is sometimes hard to do!

Our first day here, one would think that life was normal! Jacob was off to Kindergarten where he was greeted by 15 other students and Caleb was off to Preschool with one other little boy. With both of them gone, life around our home was pretty quiet and Isaac wasn't quite sure what to do with the boxes that were piled all around. As the week went on, the piles of boxes dwindled down, our things found a new home, and life slowly went back to normal...if there is such a thing.

Our home, specifically Jacob and Caleb's room, also seemed to be the place where our newest pets liked to hang out. What pets would that be you may wonder? The crickets. I didn't ask for these pets and they definitely weren't invited to live in the corner of the boys' bedroom, but they do.

Jacob also learned how to tie his shoes this past week. What a major accomplishment! I was one proud Mom! I don't know whether or not that it finally just clicked or what the story was, but, at last, one Busch Boy can tie his shoes!

Caleb and his cows are doing great. I have been informed that they are currently living across the street behind Ferrel's house. One night they weren't coming home and we literally had to call them! Caleb went and picked up my cell phone and began talking to "Bull" telling him to get those cows home and under the trampoline. They had missed their curfew! I couldn't help but laughing! I was so glad when I finally convinced him that the cows were coming home because he was determined that if he didn't "see" them coming, we were going to get in the pickup, round them up and rope the runaways! (Oh the imagination of this child!)

Isaac is learning how to use the potty chair and what a chore that has become! But, like the other boys, I sure will be glad when that milestone in his life is accomplished! As for Dave and I, we are working and enjoying life and making sure that shoes are tied, cows are home, and boxes contine to be emptied! From our new picture window to yours, have a great week!

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Final Thomas County Herald View From My Picture Window

Howdy Thedford Residents! It's hard to believe that I am sitting here in Burwell and the view outside my picture window has changed. With tears in my eyes, I sit and write to you the final view from my picture window...
Our view as we look outside our picture window now faces to the east and it is an ever busy one. Both Jacob and Caleb had school on their first day and Isaac and I spun circles around the many, many boxes that accumulated during this move. By noon on Monday, we were both ready to flee the scene and find a much more organized area to locate to! Unfortunately, we only relocated to the preschool to pick up Caleb and return to the uncharted territory of boxes!
The past weekend in itself also held my view in many different areas. This was a weekend to take many pictures and say "See you later" to the many friends and family there in Thedford. To be open and honest with you, when the Busch Family moved to Thedford 3 1/2 years ago, I never dreamed that I would grow to love this little community as much as I did and still do. The night I arrived in Thedford, it was cold, my cat ran away never to be seen again, and I was sure that Thedford was not the place I wanted to live. But, as little communities often do, Thedford grew on me. I in turn, fell in love with the quiet streets, knowing everybody's dog (or cows) by name (or brand), and the closeness of having our family just down the street.
Two years ago I took helm of the Thomas County Herald. I remember very clearly my first assignment was to take a picture of the tree being cut down in the yard of the courthouse. I remember thinking to myself, well, this is easy. I can handle this! As the time went on, stories changed, things were added, and the View From My Picture Window became my way of sharing the weeks happenings in our family. The Herald brought out that I wasn't only Pastor Busch's sister in law, but I was Jen Busch--Editor of the Thomas County Herald!
There are several people whom I could have never done this job effectively without, one of which is Marissa Sawyer, the most fantastic teenage sports editor and photographer this editor could have ever asked for. I would also like to specially thank Terri Licking for covering stories and events that I was unable to attend. Thank you to the schools for allowing me to take time away from your classes and practices to cover the students and staff ofThedford Public Schools as well as all of you who contributed your time and stories. To the many who stopped by the house to say "Farewell" this last week, those of you who called, and those that came to our "Farewell reception" on Sunday...THANK YOU! Your patronage has meant so much to me! You, Thedford are truly what makes this paper happen! I think that Jacob, my son says it best that the reason for why we were moving is "I can say the town better."(Note: The true reason is that Dave has accepted the associate pastor atthe Assembly of God Church here in Burwell.)
For those of you who have been living vicariously through my Busch Boys and would like to continue doing so, you can continue reading The View From MyPicture Window at or send me an email at to receive the weekly View From My Picture Window. From my new picture window in Burwell, Nebraska to yours, please keep in touch and have a great week Thedford!